The Alabama Department of Finance is comprised of several divisions that provide financial management and operational support to State of Alabama governmental agencies and protect the financial interests of the State. The Department is headed by the Finance Director who is the Chief Financial Officer of the State and advisor to the Governor and the Legislature in financial matters.
Bill Poole, Finance Director
Sheila Morrissette, Executive Assistant
Ethan Girona, Communications and Public Relations Specialist
Alabama Department of Finance
Alabama State Capitol
600 Dexter Avenue, Suite N-200
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Ph (334) 242-7160
Mickey Allen, Assistant Finance Director
Alabama Department of Finance
Real Property Management
770 Washington Avenue, Suite 470
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Ph (334) 242-4801
John Montgomery, Assistant Finance Director
Alabama Department of Finance
Alabama State Capitol
600 Dexter Avenue, Suite E-310
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
Ph (334) 242-7165
Susan Wilhelm, Assistant Finance Director
Alabama Department of Finance
Alabama State Capitol
600 Dexter Avenue, Suite N-200
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Ph (334) 242-7160
Media Inquiries:
Susan Wilhelm, Assistant Finance Director
Ph (334) 242-7160
Physical Address:
Department of Finance
Accounting and Administration
100 N. Union Street, Suite 230
Montgomery, AL 36104
Ph (334) 353-3200
Mailing Address:
Department of Finance
Accounting and Administration
P.O. Box 300658
Montgomery, AL 36130-0658
April Richardson, Director
Ph (334) 353-3215
Beverly Pugh, Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Contracts, PCard, Travel Card
Ph (334) 353-2880
Colleen Cochran, Receipts, Billing, STAARS Assistance
Ph (334) 353-3217
Rhonda Sparrow, Financial Reporting, Property Inventory
Ph (334) 353-9101
Keyosha Jones-Shuford, Budgeting, SWCAP, Investments
Ph (334) 242-3235
STAARS Assistance (Finance employees only)
Finance Legal provides legal services to the Director of Finance and the Department's Divisions. The Chief of the Legal Division also serves as Legal Counsel for the State Board of Adjustment.
Taylor Nichols
Chief Legal Counsel
Alabama Department of Finance
Legal Division
P.O. Box 309527
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-9527
Ph (334) 242-4220 Fax (334) 242-2008